To launch the project - and immediately encourage communication - the students in each country prepare a set of 5 boxes containing several items characteristic of their local community (region, school, students, etc.) and a questionnaire. The boxes and the questionnaires are sent to the 5 other partner schools.
When they have received the boxes from all of the partners, the students answer the questionnaires and send them back to the 5 other partner schools. Then, everyone checks the answers and provides feedback.
To encourage collaboration, the students from each country also design a part of the project’s logo. The logo will be used in different situations (e.g. website, mail) as well as on the board game.
Moreover, every partner school creates an exhibition about all the activities of the project so that everyone - students and staff - can discover and keep up with the project.
The Quest
The students prepare a quest through their own country. They choose 4 stops during the quest, preferably connected to the European Union.
At each stop a specific theme will be treated (literature, music, art and history). The final destination is kept a secret from all of the students.
The stops are chosen in advance, but not revealed to the other partners. Each location (stop) is chosen for its obvious connection with each of the 4 themes (literature, music, art and history).
The students choose an itinerary to move from one location to the other. Then they send clues to the others for them to find out the route and the next stop. (e.g. the next stop is the birthplace of a famous writer, the author of the novel Under the Yoke, and it is near the second largest city in the country).
The students in each country draw a big map of Europe, adding the details and the route of each country so that they can get an overview of the whole quest.
To launch the project - and immediately encourage communication - the students in each country prepare a set of 5 boxes containing several items characteristic of their local community (region, school, students, etc.) and a questionnaire. The boxes and the questionnaires are sent to the 5 other partner schools.
When they have received the boxes from all of the partners, the students answer the questionnaires and send them back to the 5 other partner schools. Then, everyone checks the answers and provides feedback.
To encourage collaboration, the students from each country also design a part of the project’s logo. The logo will be used in different situations (e.g. website, mail) as well as on the board game.
Moreover, every partner school creates an exhibition about all the activities of the project so that everyone - students and staff - can discover and keep up with the project.
The Quest
The students prepare a quest through their own country. They choose 4 stops during the quest, preferably connected to the European Union.
At each stop a specific theme will be treated (literature, music, art and history). The final destination is kept a secret from all of the students.
The stops are chosen in advance, but not revealed to the other partners. Each location (stop) is chosen for its obvious connection with each of the 4 themes (literature, music, art and history).
The students choose an itinerary to move from one location to the other. Then they send clues to the others for them to find out the route and the next stop. (e.g. the next stop is the birthplace of a famous writer, the author of the novel Under the Yoke, and it is near the second largest city in the country).
The students in each country draw a big map of Europe, adding the details and the route of each country so that they can get an overview of the whole quest.